SensUs ETH
About SensUs
The SensUs Competition is an international event that promotes open innovation in the field of biosensors. Each year, multidisciplinary student teams from different universities around the world develop and present biosensors prototypes aimed at solving real-world health challenges.
Each year, SensUs introduces a specific theme that guides the competition. Participating teams have nine months to develop their own biosensor prototypes, which they then showcase during the competition days. The event takes place at TU Delft, the Netherlands
ETH SensUS team
ETH Zurich joins the SensUs Competition for the first time in 2025! We are inviting master’s students from all disciplines at ETH Zurich to apply and become part of our competetive team.
We are looking to recruit a team of 8-15 graduate students(master’s level) from all diciplines (including Engineering, Biology, Physics, Mathematics, and more) to :
- Design a biosensor concept across different levels of abstraction.
- Develop the concept into a functional sensor prototype.
- Experimentally test the design for success.
- Showcase your achievements through a website, a poster, and a presentation at TU Delft.
What participation involves:
Preparation will be customized to your specific background, whether you're an engineer, biologist, or from another discipline.
- You will be involved in designing and testing a novel biosensor prototype, which includes both theoretical and hands-on wet-lab work.
- A trip to the competition finals in Delft, the Netherlands, at the end of August 2025 (2-day event). Compete against teams from prestigious universities such as TMU, LMU, Cornell, TUD, EPFL, TU Delft, TU Eindhoven, and many more from Europe, the US, Canada, China, etc.
- Expect hard work and a lot of fun from January to August 2025!
For more inspiration, check out the official SensUs website to see highlights from previous competitions: external page
Application and Contact
To apply for participation in the ETH Zurich SensUs team 2025, go to the applicationform.
If you have any questions, read the FAQ or contact the team advisors.